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Land Grabbing: Community Head writes SOS To Police, Ogun State Government

Setting the record straight.......

A rejoinder to the crocodile tears of one Segun Abayomi Lawal,a political jobber, impostor and hypocritical human being 

Erebe an ancient town in Odogbolu Local Government Area of Ogun State had being a peaceful society under the exclusive control of the eight (8) branches of the founding family of Erebe town, the OLOJA ADEKOYA (OFIRIGIDI) ANIKINAIYA FAMILY until recently when the Ogun State Government during the tenure of Otunba Gbenga Daniel (OGD) relocated the Sikiru Adetona College of Education, Science & Technology to Odo-Jobore directly beside Erebe. Mindful that Omu had no more vacant land in Ogun State as acknowledged in Omu's Community's submission before the Boundary Adjustment Commission of the Federal Government in 1976 and enviously motivated by the prime value of Erebeland due to it's proximity to the said tertiary institution, one Oba Oludaisi Mosuro of Omu, Oba Segun Awokoya of Irete and one Obateru Akeem of Egbin near Ikorodu conspired amongst themselves with one Banjoko alias THREECO a popular land agent in the Lekki areas of Lagos State, one Jamiu Ojetete alias Jamani, Abayomi Adelaja alias Ogunyalu, Segun Lawal alias Eraser, Moshood Osinowo and others to create one ALADE OGBE ADELAJA SOKEFUN as their FAMILY name in Erebe in a bid to claim Erebeland. Our parent ruling House, the ANIKILAYA RULING HOUSE of the Awujale of Ijebuland, Ijebu Ode vide it's letter dated 24/01/2007 warned the last Baale of Erebe, late Chief Moshood Osinowo to refrain from collaborating with the aforementioned land grabbers in their attempt to encroach on Oloja Adekoya Ofirigidi Anikinaiya's Erebeland and advised them to tender their case before the ruling house if they have an iota of legitimacy in their claim to Erebeland.
The conspirators in issue rather than explore the opportunity offered by the Anikilaya Ruling House replied the Ruling House vide a letter dated July 21st, 2008 that they have no connection whatsoever with HRM Awujale Anikilaya's family that HRM Anikilaya's son Oloja Adekoya Ofirigidi was a refugee at Erebe.
These land grabbers in their aforementioned ALADE OGBE SOKEFUN ADELAJA name took the OLOJA ADEKOYA OFIRIGIDI ANIKINAIYA FAMILY, Erebe to court vide suit: HCJ/82/2009. Not wanting to beat a retreat after been overwhelmed by the traditional history of the Oloja Adekoya (Ofirigidi) Anikinaiya family with several documentary evidences affirming same from the Anikilaya Ruling House, Ijebu Ode as well as from Imota via Ikorodu, a town founded by same our ancestor, Oloja Adekoya (Ofirigidi) and records from independent sources such as the National Archives, Wikipedia and certain authored records of over 70years, the land grabbing conspirators in their fraudulent nature sometimes in November, 2015 went in the direction of abandoning their former name ALADE OGBE, created and adopted one SANGOKOYA OFIRIGIDI, a similar name to our family name; OLOJA ADEKOYA OFIRIGIDI, gave false information to the Ogun State Government and presented one of themselves Segun Lawal as Baale over our town, Erebe.

As a pretext to keep us away from our legitimate heritage these land grabbers took the Oloja elect to court that a letter addressed thus;
The Olori Ebi,
OLOJA ADEKOYA OFIRIGIDI ROYAL FAMILY, EREBE IJEBU signed by one of the land grabbers named ABAYOMI ADELAJA dated 5th February, 2016 was forged. Senior Magistrate Idowu Olayinka of the Odogbolu Magistrate court declared that the letter in issue subject of Charge No: MOD/46C/2018 is authentic and signed by the conspirators who were dubiously trying to deny reality as the said letter alone is an incontrovertible evidence invalidating impostors' use of a similar name to our family name at the Ijebu Ode High Court to claim land at Erebe.

We had written several petitions to the Ogun State Government in this regard but the conspirators boasts of being backed by their Otunba Gbenga Daniel (OGD) who they claimed has the Nigerian Police, Ogun state Government and the judiciary in his pocket cannot be further from the truth as the land grabbers tendered forged documents, lied on oath and committed perjury to acquire 20.981 acres of the same land subject of suit: HCJ/82/2009 in another suit: HCJ/121/2015 with their new name SANGOKOYA.  Contrary to the land grabbers misleading information to the public that they have a judgment covering entire Erebe land, the judgment is strictly on 20.981 acres of land and had been appealed based on the fact that it was fraudulently obtained as amongst other obvious reasons the judge rather than treating the facts of the case opted for technicality that the letter U as it appeared in EREBE IJEBU in the survey tendered by our family was traced in ink and not signed whereas we defined the location of the land as required in law. 

The public are hereby informed that SANGOKOYA as son of Awujale Anikilaya WAS NOT part of the prayers sought and granted by the said court. While we have taken further steps to protect our heritage from the impostors latest (sangokoya) of Omu,  the aforementioned land agents have recently being partitioning our lands, using the instrumentality of complicit police formations to take over the remaining Erebeland including 880 acres of land outside the 20.981 acres subject of appeal court litigation. To achieve their fraudulent objective the impostors have created several other aegis, such as a parallel Erebe Community Development Association and others which receipts they issue for Erebe lands illegally being sold. As at the time of making this public notice our lives are in danger as these illegal money crazy conspirators have engaged cultists and hired assassins to kill the Oloja elect of Erebe, Omoba Olawunmi Samuel, myself and other  members of our family.

The parties sometimes in the year 2009 went to the Association of Osugbo Ijebuland which gave judgment in 2009 that Erebe is the exclusive business of the Oloja of Erebe, Oba Adekoya Ofirigidi descendants.

The conspirators are not only forgers of documents and history to grab land but men whose love for cheap land money has been made slaves to their stomachs.

For the records, Omu town became a landmark for Erebe area being the place where a market for sales of mat "Eni" a general trade of Erebe and environs was first established and as such visitors from Ibadan, Oyo, Ikorodu and other places usually refer to the area as Omu Eleni which earned the town her undisputed popularity this day. However, the fact remains that Erebe granted its fern farmland "Oko Imu" corrupted to Omu this day as a settlement in 1849 to refugees of the Owu war and some Igbehin-Egba migrants as approved by our ancestor, HRM Awujale Anikilaya after the Owu Ipole war of 1822 - 1829.

Sometimes in May, 2023 the conspirators ganged up with others at large with their thugs unleashed terror on Erebe community, burnt Oloja's ancestral palace, demolished same, forcefully entered the community's farmland - destroying our cash crops, removed traditional totems causing mayhem and using Police to harass innocent people and still went to report to the police that our people perpetrated those crimes in a bid to implicate us over very straight land matters. Our family members were unjustly charged to court over false information raised to the police by Segun Lawal that we burnt his fathers house at Omu till the Ogun State Directorate of Pubic Prosecution's legal advise to the court exonerated our people and exposed the fact that there is no extent which these land grabbers could not go in the pursuit of cheap land money.

These land grabbers and their client one Banjoko alias THREECO whose thugs and complicit police formations have continued to find means to kills my humble, other members of our family while parading the fraudulently acquired 20.981 acres of land judgement to be selling part of the remaining 880.981 acres of Erebe land to unsuspecting members of the public. The general public, Odogbolu Local Government, the Senator-Representing Ogun East Senatorial District, Ijebu Traditional Council, the Awujale Place and the Ogun State Government are hereby alerted of these developments and should note that;
1. Erebe towns' founding family, OLOJA ADEKOYA OFIRIGIDI ANIKILAYA FAMILY is neither the same nor connected to Owu Omu's SANGOKOYA's recently created to expand and annex Erebe land.
2. No Baale or any chieftaincy whatsoever in history has ever being made over any section of Erebeland outside the consent, approval and supervision of the OLOJA ADEKOYA (OFIRIGIDI) ANIKINAIYA FAMILY who are the legitimate owners of Erebe land.
3.Baale as erroneously been recently misrepresented by the land grabbers is relevant only in communities whose founders are not royals, it is a taboo for a Prince of credible background to be appointed a Baale.
 4. Oloja which is the ancestral title of the Oloja Adekoya Ofirigidi descendants is not in the category of Baale or Rarun in Ijebuland.
2. SEGUN LAWAL and anyone else made Baale by the Olomu on Erebe territory against the interest and consent of the OLOJA ADEKOYA (OFIRIGIDI) FAMILY is an impostor who has neither authority nor connection with Erebeland.
3. It is a generally acknowledged fact that our ancestor OLOJA ADEKOYA OFIRIGIDI son of AWUJALE ANIKILAYA founded Imota town via Ikorodu, anyone trying to change the name to SANGOKOYA as is being attempted by these landgrabbers are fraudsterds and undoubtedly men with questionable character.
4. The ANIKILAYA RULING HOUSE, Ijebu Ode where late Prince Adebola Sanya was General Secretary and the incumbent Treasurer, Prince Onabanjo Segun both from our branch, OLOJA ADEKOYA OFIRIGIDI is not for sale and as such the impostors should be mindful that their days to answer for all acts of impersonation is numbered.
5. Government should sanction Obas who on the guise of chieftaincy privileges create Baales over traditionally superior territories as it is the case with Omu, Irete in relation to Erebe in a bid to grab, incite violence to benefit land for personal gains and as fronts for politicians on which behalf they deal in lands.
6. Any Obaship candidate whose business is land related should sign undertaking not to involve in land in his area as it it is the case with Onirete who has not turn a new leaf from the plethora of land grabbing accusations against him in Lekki area of Lagos and has now found Erebe town and villages as his next line of business, in company of his friend THREECO signing agreements with several Omu families to claim Erebe villages.
8. If these impostors could come out and be making false claims which we hereby disclaim, one could understand the kind of information they used to persuade His Excellncy, Otunba Gbenga Daniel (OGD) whose influence and name they claim to usually employ to circumvent the police and the judicial processes in their bid to grab our land and even claim certain acres of our land is allotted to OGD which we are anxiously waiting for him to come and take possession and tell us if one has money, influence and position, getting other people's properties and ancestry is the next line of business as his allies are claiming he does in this case.

Though, the undersigned has done all along several petitions at various times to the following governmental offices for help, which are to no avail before now
1. Ogun State, Governor's office
2. Ogun State ministry of Justice
3. Commissioner of Police, Ogun State command
4.The State Director
Ogun State security services ( SSS)

And it was discovered that same impostors went extra miles to misinform the general public and government agencies that they have a judgment declaring SANGOKOYA as a son of AWUJALE ANIKILAYA as well as covering the entire EREBE landmass. IT WAS ALL LIES FROM THE FIGMENT OF THE NARRATORS IMAGINATION. WE CHALLENGE THEM TO TENDER SAME TO THE PUBLIC
We wish to inform the public that the latest false information from these land grabbers through Segun Lawal is a ploy to defend to change the narrative for evading police service of invitation letter, evading arrest, damaging of police vehicles, shooting at police and using cultists to prevent police in exercise of their lawful duty which caused pandemonium at Erebe on the 31st of January, 2024 in which cultists engaged police in shoot out to pave the way for the shedder of crocodile tears (Segun Lawal). 
He who commits no crime needs not to run away from police invitation, we as a responsible family have always honored every invitation even arrest including the unlawful arrest and detention of our over 80 years old head of family, Omoba Titilola Olawunmi at the behest of frivolous charges orchestrated by Segun Lawal. Hence if the police are investigating a claim of raising false information to the police occasioning malicious prosecution of opponents and other issues perpetrated by the land grabbers why running away and manufacturing lies to the public in search of sympathy. 
The baseless narrative being pushed by these land grabbers mischievously branding our family, who are the legitimate owners of Erebeland as land grabbers is a reflection of the debased level which our society has found itself in terms of morals and integrity. 

Please, I am using this medium to get to all well meaning people to come to our aid. Save us from the grab of these Owu war refugee Ajagungbales paying the good intentions of our ancestors with evil such that this expansionist campaign of the present Omu leadership won't be a repeat of what transpired in 1862 when the quarrelsome attitude of their ancestors as reported by the Europeans visitors to Ijebuland culminated in the avoidable loss of human life at Omu. We pause here.


Omoba Yisa Akintunde Mumuni

For and on behalf of the
Erebe Ijebu Town, Ogun State.

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